Following up on her terrific previous posts of Picturing Winter, a Solstice Celebration and Picturing Spring, an Equinox Celebration, Irene Gallo has once again invited an array of artists and art directors to give her their suggestions for favorite seasonal images, this time for Picturing Summer, a Solstice Celebration.
As in those previous posts, the result is a wonderful variety of styles and approaches from a number of contemporary and historic illustrators and other artists.
I was again delighted to be invited to participate; my suggestions were two of Alfons Mucha’s “Summer” posters from two of his series of “The Seasons” (images above second from bottom), and N.C Wyeth’s “Herons in Summer” (above, bottom). These were also suggested by Tristan Elwell and John Jude Palencar, respectively.
As before, I’ll recommend that you not only follow up on researching work by artists of interest featured in the post, but also click on the links to the sites and blogs of the artists who contributed suggestions, may of whom you can also find represented in the gallery.
This is such a cornucopia of art and talent that I’ll give it a Time Sink Warning.
Pour yourself an iced tea, slip into a hammock in the shade with your iPad and enjoy.
(Images above: Joaquin Sorolla, N.C. Wyeth, James Gurney, J. C. Leyendecker, Winslow Homer, Michael Whelan, William Merritt Chase, Bernie Fuchs, Alfons Mucha, N. C. Wyeth)