Lines and Colors art blog

Josh Kao
Josh Kao Is a concept designer and illustrator whose clients include Disney, Rythym and Hues Studio. Irrational Games, Microsoft 343 Industries and Electronic Arts, among others.

Kao has a nice touch with atmosphere and atmospheric perspective, as well as a nicely theatrical use of lighting and a strong ability to use restricted palettes to advantage to create drama.

His website inexplicably opens to a largely blank page, from which you mist click to get to his gallery. In addition to environments, you’ll find examples of characters, vehicles and other props.

Kao also has a blog on which he posts both professional and personal work, including interesting practice images in which he does digital painting studies from masters like Sargent, Sorolla and Richard Schmid.

In addition you can find a gallery of his work on CGHub and a quick selection on Concept Art World.

[Via io9]