Lines and Colors art blog

Snehal Page
Snehal Page is an artist from Maharashtra, India. She acquired diplomas in Applied Art and Art Education at Abhinav Kala Mahavidyalaya in Pune, India, and also studied for three years at Studio Incamminati in Philadelphia, here in the U.S. (see my recent profile of Studio Incamminati founder and Artistic Director Nelson Shanks).

Page’s website has galleries of her work in landscape, still life, portrait and figurative subjects. In all of them she has a direct, painterly style, but also experiments with different approaches. Some of the experimentation is likely from her studies.

Among her portraits are a portrait of Studio Incamminati instructor Stephen Early (above, third down, right), a self portrait (third down, left) and the painting “Voluntary Simplicity” (above, top) which was awarded certificate of excellence in the International Portrait Conference of the Portrait Society of America.

Her landscapes, in oil and watercolor, appear to be primarily of India, with depictions of both dramatic architecture and commonplace scenes.

[Via FineArtViews]