Month: November 2012
Charles Parks
Charles Parks was a well known and much loved sculptor familiar to many in the Brandywine Valley area of Delaware and Southeastern Pennsylvania. His works grace public buildings and spaces in the region and across the country. Parks was originally from Virginia, moved to Delaware with his family when he was young, and studied at…
Eye Candy for Today: Fantin-Latour still life
Still Life with Flowers and Fruit, Henri Fantin-Latour. In the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Click on Fullscreen and use zoom or download arrow.
Fleischer Studios Superman Cartoons online
I’ve written before about the superb series of Superman cartoons done in the 1940’s by the studios of Max and Dave Fleischer. These are beautiful examples of hand drawn animation, essentially film noir adventure stories with great design, rendering and animation; and, as far as I’m concerned, the best film adaptation of the character ever.…
Erik Tiemens and Terry Miura at Holton Studio Gallery
Sometimes I wish that flying from the east coast to the west coast was more convenient; if it was, I might be tempted to fly out to San Francisco just to see this show of small works by two painters I’ve featured previously on Lines and Colors, Erik Tiemens and Terry Miura. I’ve commented on…
Eye Candy Extra: Hendrix by Moebius
An alternate Jimi Hendrix album cover by Jean Giraud (Moebius), who was fascinated with Hendrix and portrayed him multiple times. Hendrix would have been 70 today. That makes me feel weird for some reason, but I can’t remember why…