Lines and Colors art blog

Sherrie York
Sherrie York is a Colorado artist who works primarily in the medium of reduction linocut.

This is a relief printing method in which the run of a given print is done in stages of impressions from the same block —as the block is re-cut and reduced in printing surface to be printed in a different color with each successive pass.

On her website, York has galleries of her linocut prints, as well as woodcuts, painting and drawings.

She also has a page describing the process, and often goes into more detail on her blog, Brush and Baren.

[Via Making a Mark]


4 responses to “Sherrie York”

  1. These are excellent!

    Thank you Charley. You’ve brought so many artists and techniques to my attention. Now, I seriously need to look more into reduction linocuts.

  2. Yeah, love the Yorks. Her design and color sense are strong. Although I don’t know firsthand much about lino/relief/block printing many of hers have an unusual depth not always seen in these mediums.
    Great work.

  3. Wow, thanks, Charley! I’m honored to see my work featured here on “Lines and Colors.” (An added bonus? A chance to stump for the reduction linocut process!) Best to you in the new year.

  4. nice