Lines and Colors art blog

Linda Tracey Brandon

Linda Tracey Brandon
Linda Tracey Brandon is an Arizona based painter who works in portraiture, figurative subjects, landscape and still life.

Work on her website is divided into those sections, along with a section of oil portrait sketches.

You will also find sketches, works in progress and other related topics on Brandon’s blog.

Her figurative work has an unusually fresh, painterly approach that, combined with some of her more conceptual subjects, give her work the feeling of nicely realized narrative illustration, hinting at stories behind the images — even in her more straightforward portraits. Many of those have a relaxed, informal character and often feature room elements or even still life objects that owe their style to her work in those areas.

Brandon occasionally conducts workshops and regularly teaches at the Scottsdale Artists’ School.

She is one of the judges in this year’s RayMar Art Fine Art Competition.


One response to “Linda Tracey Brandon”

  1. I really enjoyed seeing this artist’s work. Thanks for posting!