Lines and Colors art blog

Month: September 2013

  • Eye Candy for Today: Leonardo drawing

    The Head of the Virgin in Three-Quarter View Facing Right, Leonardo da Vinci Black chalk, charcoal and red chalk, 8 x 6 1/8″ ( 20x15cm). In the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Click on “Fullscreen” under the image, then use zoom controls or download arrow. It’s not always easy to separate ourselves from the cultural icon…

  • Victo Ngai

    Victo Ngai is an illustrator, originally from Hong Kong, now based in New York. “Victo” is a nickname for Victoria. Her clients include: The New Yorker, The New York Times, Sundance Film Festival, Wired, Scientific American, Tor Books, ABRAMS, International Herald Tribune, Utne Reader and a number of other editorial and advertising clients. She uses…

  • Arthur Streeton (revisited)

    Arthur Streeton was an Australian landscape artist active in the late 19th and early 20 centuries. Like the American Impressionists working at the same time, Streeton and other painters in Australia were influenced by the new approach to painting pioneered by the French Impressionists, but took the influence and went their own way, creating unique…

  • My simple portable gouache kit

    Lately, I’ve been painting on location in gouache, a wonderful and often overlooked medium (more on that in a later post). In the process, I’ve worked out an inexpensive and simple portable kit for carrying my supplies, that also makes an impromptu lap box for painting. It consists of two shallow (Rubbermaid style) food storage…

  • Museum Day, 2013

    This Saturday, September 28, 2013, is Museum Day, when hundreds of museums across the U.S. offer free admission. Participation is limited to two tickets per household, and must be ordered online in advance (I think you can order on Saturday before you go). Search for participating museums near you by address or by state. The…

  • Cory Loftis

    Cory Loftis is a visual development artist working at Disney Animation. In his off hours, he fills his blog with delightful drawings of a variety os subjects. Loftis is one of those artists whose drawing style os so lively and springy, it looks like he loads his pen (stylus) with liquid fun.