Lines and Colors art blog

Vermeer, Rembrandt and Hals at the Frick in NY

Vermeer, Rembrandt and Hals at the Frick in NY, Girl with a Pearl Earring, Vermeer
Just a reminder to those on the east coast of the U.S. that several superb masterpieces from the Mauritshuis are currently on this side of the Atlantic, including Vermeer’s iconic Girl with a Pearl Earring.

Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Hals: Masterpieces of Dutch Painting from the Mauritshuis just opened at the Frick Collection in New York, where it will be on display until January 19, 2014.

For more details, see my article on the exhibition from May, when the show made its U.S. debut at the De Young Museum in San Franscisco.

The Frick website doesn’t give a preview of the exhibition, so refer to the De Young site for that.

For more on Girl with a Pearl Earring, see the Essential Vermeer website.

Many of the images of Vermeer’s painting (like many paintings on the web) are wildly inaccurate in color. The color on Essential Vermeer is likely pretty good. If you see reproductions in which her turban is a bright, saturated blue, that’s clue of an inaccurate reproduction. Ironically, the turban was more brilliantly blue when Vermeer painted it — in genuine Ultramarine Blue, which was made from the semi-precious stone lapis lazuli ground to a powder. The pigment is fading in some of Vermeer’s paintings (as well as others) due to interaction with atmospheric pollutants and other factors that are only now being understood by conservators.

There is a large image on the NPR site, though it is lit in a way that emphasizes the unfortunate fact that the surface of the painting has also cracked over time.

I still hope to be able to get to see the painting before it, and the other stunning works from the Mauritshuis, travel back to The Hague in January.


5 responses to “Vermeer, Rembrandt and Hals at the Frick in NY”

  1. Then go in December. I’ll be featured in a show at AFANYC then Charley. We can meet at the Frick.

  2. Richard Miyares Avatar
    Richard Miyares

    I saw this at the Atlanta High Museum in September for my birthday and enjoyed it a great deal. For me, the two large Hals portraits and the Rembrandt studio self portrait stole the show!

  3. Bill, That would be great, though the logistics of my schedule may make it problematic. I’ll contact you by email.

  4. Pity they did not take a better photo of the masterpiece. (The earring is actually a metal one, as the most recent restoration revealed.)
    Ten years ago I embarked upon making a copy of GwPE from the best reproduction I could find (and following the texts on Vermeer’s painting methods published on Essential Vermeer):
    I hope I’ll get the opportunity to see the original some day.

  5. The perfct website for the Master, whose family name was actually Vos = Fox.