Lines and Colors art blog

Month: November 2013

  • Robert Steven Connett

    Robert Steven Connett is a California artist who takes his current inspiration form biological forms — both flora and fauna, micro and macro, land and ocean dwelling — from which he generates new variations, as though he were painting with recombinant DNA. His subjects can be deliberately disconcerting, tinged with a bit of Cronenberg-like bio-horror,…

  • Carl Fredrik Aagaard

    Carl Fredrik Aagard was a 19th century Danish painter, apparently best known for his views of Italy’s Amalfi Coast and Lake Como regions. I can find little else about him, and only this one repository of images on Wikimedia Commons, but that, and the tantalizing similarity of a couple of his paintings to those of…

  • Rob Rey (update)

    Rob Ray is an illustrator and gallery artist based in Rhode Island who I last wrote about in 2010. Since then, he has continued to fill his portfolio with more of his wonderfully painterly oils, and garner awards and mentions in both fields. His painting Ukulele Day Dream (images above, top), in particular, took Best…

  • Eye Candy for Today: Peale's oranges

    No, not orange peels — Peale’s oranges. Still Life with Oranges, Raphaelle Peale Google Art Project and Wikimedia Commons. Original is in the Toledo Museum of Art.

  • More "selfies"

    Following the internet meme of the moment, more “selfies” created without benefit of iPhone or Android device, and previously uploaded into public consciousness by way of galleries, museums, books and libraries. See my previous post on “selfies“. (Images above, self-portraits by: Antony van Dyck, Frida Kahlo, John Singer Sargent, Hans Holbein the Younger, Chuck Close,…

  • Romona Youngquist

    Romona Youngquist is a painter based in Oregon whose paintings of pastoral fields and farms are rendered with a wonderful variety of textural effects. She appears to use drybrush, scraping, stratching and a variety of painting knife effects, in addition to her painterly brushwork, to achieve a wide range of textures and passages of broken…