Scott Kikuta is a concept artist and illustrator working in the video gaming industry. His credits include Scribblenauts Unlimited, Dungeon Siege II: Broken World, Dungeon Siege II, Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna, and Halo 3.
In a field that is often dominated by heavily rendered approaches, Kikuta has a deft, light touch. He often contrasts dark, textural foreground objects against faded suggestions of background elements.
Many of the pieces on his blog, that I take to be personal projects, include amusing details, as I’ve tried to show in the top three pairs of images and detail crops, above.
His website is undergoing renovations, but there is a selection of prints on his society6 store. Kikuta has also created a set of collectable trading cards called CrayonMonsters (image above, bottom), but I don’t know where or if they are available.
[Via Concept Art World]