Month: April 2014
Eye Candy for Today: Greuze’s The White Hat
The White Hat, Jean-Baptiste Greuze On Wikimedia Commons. Original is in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. I love paintings like this that go from highly refined passages to areas that are remarkably painterly.
John Nevarez (update)
John Nevarez is a visual development and storyboard artist working in animation. His projects include Monsters University and Cars 2, among others. He has recently left Pixar to establish a freelance career. His long-running blog has examples of his work on various projects, as well as personal work, warm-ups and sketches for fun. Fun is…
Eye Candy for Today: Caligula’s Palace by Turner
Caligula’s Palace and Bridge, Joseph Mallord William Turner On Google Art Project. High-res downloadable file on Wikimedia Commons. Original is in the Tate Britain. It’s paintings like this that earned Turner the appellation “Painter of Light”.
John Walker
Illinois painter John Walker brings to his gallery work at least two things from his former career in illustration. One is a skilled approach to working in acrylics, a medium that sometimes does not get its due as a vehicle for representational realism in gallery art; another is a feeling for the narrative element in…
Henri Martin
After working for a time in a more traditional style, and through a period in which he experimented with Symboism, French painter Henri-Jean Guillaume Martin eventually settled on a style that is generally considered Divisionism, an offshoot of French Impressionism associated with Pointillism. Like Pointillism, Divisionism was concerned, even more than Impressionism, with the placement…
Eye Candy for Today: etching after Burne-Jones
The Cumaean Sibyl, etching and drypoint by Charles-Albert Waltner from a drawing by Edward Burne-Jones. An example of an etching designed by one artist and executed by another, as was common practice in the 19th century. Original is in the Metropolitan Museum of art. Image size is roughly 17×7 inches (44x17cm).