Lines and Colors art blog

As I was saying, before we were so rudely interrupted…

The Persistance of Memory, Salvador Dali

My apologies to those who have had trouble accessing Lines and Colors over the last few days. The site has been experiencing a technical issue that caused those who were accessing the home page with a “www” in the URL to encounter a database error message.

Though the underlying issue isn’t thoroughly resolved, there is a work-around in place that should allow everyone to see the site again.

I’ve been reluctant to add to the database with new posts during that time, but I’ll see if I can make up for it over the next week or so.

Thanks for your patience.


(Image above: The Persistance of Memory, Salvador Dali, in the Museum of Modern Art, NY)


12 responses to “As I was saying, before we were so rudely interrupted…”

  1. Thank you for the clarification, Charley. I was fearing that you may have been hacked and we had seen the last of your great blog.


  2. David Avatar

    That’s funny I kept being redirected to a site called NSA department of Records/junction212

    1. David, maybe that issue is local to your computer. Did you piss someone off? (grin)

  3. I thought you were going to go all, like, you know, CGHub on us.
    And is your choice of image above saying something about all this?
    Coulda went with one of Rip Van Winkle. I know he has been painted more than a few times.

    Glad Lines and Colors is back.

    1. Bill and David,

      Glad to be back at it.

      Yes, the Dali is a comment on lost time and difficulty in functionality.

  4. I was concerned that you had either been hacked or decided to go Garbo on us (I vant to ve alone). SO SO SO glad to see you back

  5. Brian Harrison Avatar
    Brian Harrison

    Phew !!
    I was really worried there for a bit !!
    So pleased to see you up and running again – a daily visit is SO essential. 🙂

  6. We missed you! 😀

  7. Anita Gleason Avatar
    Anita Gleason

    Like others have previously said, I’m very glad you’re back! I didn’t realize how much I missed my daily dose of your blog until I couldn’t see it anymore. Thank you very much for creating and maintaining this excellent site!

  8. AElle Avatar

    As my neighbour Germans would react politely, they’d say:”Verdammte Scheiße!”
    I’m also with Anita G. thanking you very much for this excellent site resembling an oasis in the desert.

    1. Thanks, AElle. I’m happy I can provide water for your camels (grin).

  9. Janet Avatar

    Whew! Thought you were down for the glad to see lines and colors back!