Lines and Colors art blog

Cara Brown, watercolors
Cara Brown’s luminous watercolors of flowers, fruit, grapevines and other subjects are awash in sunlight, and resonate with vibrant, but never overdone color.

Many of her compositions are closeups of blossoms or fruit still on the plant; in essence they are treated like in-situ still life subjects. She often uses soft edges in her backgrounds to suggest depth, portraying her intimate subjects with harder edges to bring them forward.

Seeing her work in small reproductions, one might be tempted to think of some of her paintings as “photo-realistic”; but to do so, I think, is to do them a disservice. That effect is likely a function of the relatively large scale of many of the originals. In the generously sized reproductions she has provided on her website, you can see how true her rendering is to the inherent nature of watercolor.

Though there is a section of available originals, most of the paintings on her site serve as samples for the purchase of reproductions. You will find them listed by subject in a drop-down from the “Gallery” link. Be aware that some categories extend to more than one page.

I particularly enjoy her series of Zinfandel grapes on the vine, from a tiny vinyard in her brother’s back yard. In these, light seems to cascade down the forms as though drawn by gravity.

Brown has a Journal, in which she discusses process, and displays work in progress. She teaches workshops in Marin County, CA, near San Francisco.


4 responses to “Cara Brown”

  1. I love that at a distance it looks photo-real, but up close the masterful and unmistakable markings of water colour are revealed. Delightful.

  2. Brian Harrison Avatar
    Brian Harrison

    Brilliant and beautiful !!
    Water colour ( in my experience ) allows for few mistakes or errors, so we can see here complete control of the medium, with such astonishing results.
    Thanks Charley 🙂

  3. Maureen Reid. Avatar
    Maureen Reid.

    Cara is one of the most beautiful people and artists on this planet, if you are fortunate enough to have one of her exquisite paintings in your home or office you will understand how they bring such light, warmth and love into your life, can’t praise her enough, she is extremely unassuming never seeming to grasp how stunning her paintings are which is so endearing.

  4. velda may draper Avatar
    velda may draper

    Looking forward to painting with you. Your work is wonderful. Just came home for my birthday…as a colorist i love your skill and talent. Love velda