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Free Comic Book Day 2015

Free Comic Book Day 2015
Tomorrow, Saturday, May 2, is Free Comic Book Day 2015.

Participating comic book shops (which you can look up by zip code on this Store Locator), will be giving away a selection of special promotional comic books, designed to introduce new readers both to those individual titles and to the fun of reading comics in general.

There are some cover images on the special Free Comic Book Day titles on the FCBD website, some of which are linked to brief PDF previews of the interior pages. (Not all titles will be available at all shops.)

I’ll be checking out the free comics at my personal favorite comic book (and other book) shop, Between Books, in Claymont, DE.

Comic book shop proprietors will be on their best behavior in a kind of “open house” atmosphere, and glad to make recommendations and introductions to other titles for those who may not be aware of the diversity in the current range of comic book titles and subjects — it’s not all superheroes anymore.

Many shops will be featuring guest artists or writers and having special sales in coordination with the event. Check the individual shops’ websites for details.

For more of my descriptions of the event, see some of my previous years’ posts on Free Comic Book Day.