Lines and Colors art blog

Nicolas Martin

Nicolas Martin, cityscape, night scenes, figures and interoirs
While many painters chase the character of light in the landscape, French painter Nicolas Martin more often seeks out the elusive qualities of artificial light in night-darkened streets and filtered sunlight in curtained interiors.

His figures are revealed in the light, either as direct portraits or smaller within the context of the composition.

Martin studied at the Auguste Renoir School in Paris and the University laval in Quebec, Canada.

His subtle play of light and color contrasts wonderfully with his richly textural paint application, which is more evident in the images on his website than in the smaller example images shown above.

You can also find Martin’s work, often reproduced a bit larger, on the site of the L’Oeil du Prince Gallery, Paris; in which he is regularly represented, and through which his work will be featured in a solo exhibition from 4 June to 23 June 2015 at the Cardinet location and from 25 June to 9 July 2015 at the Odeon venue.

[Via Yann Deshoulières]


5 responses to “Nicolas Martin”

  1. Pat Wafer Avatar
    Pat Wafer

    Charley, is that Lucian Freud standing outside The Bell? Looks like him.

    1. It does, doesn’t it? Interesting. I wouldn’t be surprised, but I can’t find any direct info on whether that was Martin’s intention.

  2. a comment from a goldfish in a very tiny bowl. “I love the way Nicholas Martin contrasts light and brightness; truly inspired by this fabulous artist.”

  3. Nicolas Martin Avatar
    Nicolas Martin

    Thanks for your comments. Yes, it’s Lucian Freud. There is another reference in this painting. The women behind the window is from “La femme de dos” by Caillebotte.
    Have a good day
    Nicolas Martin

    1. Wonderful! Thank you.