Lines and Colors art blog

Craig Drake

Craig Drake, posters, Star Wars
Craig Drake is an artist and designer who worked for a long time at Lucasfilm.

He has recently created a series of posters of characters from Star Wars, as well as other movies and aspects of pop culture. These are rendered in a sleek, minimalist style, with precise but fluid lines and flat areas of carefully controlled color.

You can see his admiration for the classic minimalist work of Patrick Nagel, particularly in some of the images that are not pop culture icons, just women’s faces.

Drake has collected a number of his poster images into a book, simply titled Craig Drake: Volume I, that is available now for pre-order through Hero Complex Gallery for shipping the week of October 12. It will also be available in person at the upcoming 2015 New York Comic-Con.

[Via io9]


2 responses to “Craig Drake”

  1. Mike lyzenga Avatar
    Mike lyzenga

    Not sure how the artist legally reproduces licensed images.

    1. He worked for Lucasfilm for years, so I assume he knows how to make licensing arrangements.