Lines and Colors art blog

Will Harmuth, oil and acrylic
New Jersey artist William Harmuth paints landscapes and townscapes in both oil and acrylic. In the former, his color is often laid down in thick, brusque passages, giving the surface an almost sculptural character.

His acrylics also give the impression of gestural paint application. In the “Traditional” gallery section of his website, you will find work that looks more refined, and at times leans toward a tonalist approach.

I enjoy in particular those compositions in which he focuses on a section of a building or group of buildings, emphasizing the geometry of the scene.

[Via Donna Nyzio]


3 responses to “Will Harmuth”

  1. You caught my eye with the Ghost Sign. Damned fine artist.

  2. Martin Hoade Avatar
    Martin Hoade

    I like this guy. I see powerful forces at work that pounded the history of that Ford truck into it’s steel skin.

  3. I’m especially attracted to the dark grey landscape, with the snow, the bare trees, and the scrap of fading light behind them; the whole thing pulls at my emotions, my sense of inner longing… I’ve been an avid fan of Will Harmuth since I first saw his paintings at Connexions Gallery in Easton, PA, a few months ago. I like to imagine that he just plows through a thick rainforest-of-canvases, wielding his paintbrush like a machete, gracefully knocking them out with ease.