Month: December 2017
Happy Leyendecker Baby New Year 2018!
As I’ve done every December 31st for the last 12 years, I’ll wish Lines and Colors readers a Happy New Year with more of J.C. Leyendecker’s wonderful Saturday Evening Post New Years covers. The brilliant American illustrator J.C. Leyendecker set our modern conception of representing the new year as a baby, with the use of…
Thierry Duval
Thierry Duval is an artist from Paris, France, who paints the streets, buildings, plazas — and especially, bridges — of his home city in crisp, precisely observed watercolors. Some of his paintings brim with light and contrast, others are poetically muted and atmospheric. Almost all have a palpable sense of the textures of stone, water…
James Niehues
James Niehues ia an artist based in Colorado who creates hand-painted aerial maps of ski resorts, golf resorts and other outdoor sporting sites. He paints these at relatively large scale in gouache, using both brushes and airbrush, which allows him to give a high level of detail and texture to his largely mountainous scenes. In…
Eye Candy for Today: Claude Lorrain drawing of an oak tree
Study of an Oak Tree, Claude Lorrain Roughly 13 x 9 inches (33 x 22 cm), pen and brown ink, brown wash, over graphite. Link is to zoomable version on Google Art Project; downloadable version here, as part of this article on the Claudian Landscape; original is in the British Museum. 17th century French painter…
Felepe Santamans
Felepe Santamans is a contemporary Spanish artist from Valencia who trained at the Academy Barrera of Valencia, and continued in The School of Fine Arts at the Fuster Academy. He also studied under Jose Espert, who he counts as a major influence. Santamans’ original training was in oil painting, but he moved into pastel, attracted…
Rembrandt etching: Adoration of the Shepherds
The Adoration of the Shepherds, Rembrandt Harmenz van Rijn Etching and drypoint, roughly 6 x 8 inches (15 x 20 cm); in the collection of the Rijksmuseum. There is also a version on Google Art Project. Here we see another example of Rembrandt’s uncanny mastery of the art of etching. His daring composition, in which…