Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Peter Lely trois crayon portrait

Peter Lely trois crayon portrait
Portrait of a Lady, Peter Lely

Black, red, and white chalk, on gray laid paper; roughly 9 1/2 x 8 inches (24 x 19 cm); in the collection of the Morgan Library and Museum, NY.

Peter Lely, known for his sumptuous and sometimes erotic portraits of royals, nobles and courtiers in the 17th century court of Charles 1, here gives us a sensitively realized portrait drawing in the “trois crayon” method.

This is a method of drawing with three chalks — black, red (sanguine) and white — on toned paper, often cream or buff, but in this case, gray. It’s an approach particularly suited to figure and portrait drawing.

Though it’s difficult to tell if the drawing has faded to any degree since it was done, Lely’s use of white and red chalks are judicious. His application of white is just a hint of tone, subtly raising the value of areas of the face and neck and a few curls of hair.

You can tell he started the drawing of the face with the red chalk, which remains the only outline of the forehead, lower face and nose, though the eyes and brows have been reinforced with black.

I haven’t been through the hundreds of portraits attributed to Lely and his very active workshop in enough detail to know if this was a preliminary for a finished painting, but Lely evidently thought enough of the drawing that he signed it.

Portrait of a Lady, Morgan Library


One response to “Eye Candy for Today: Peter Lely trois crayon portrait”

  1. Sir Peter Lely or Lilly (fleur de Lys) was a Dutchman born as Pieter van der Faes in Soest, Westphalia, in Germany. He became court painter in England to Oliver Cromwell and was knighted in 1680 , but died the same year ‘with his boots on’ at Covent Garden. He was also a collector of old masters like Veronese, Titian, Claude Lorrain and Rubens as of a fabulous amount of drawings. He painted in the style of Van Dyck.