Month: August 2020
Eye Candy for Today: George Elgar Hicks genre painting
The Dead Goldfinch (“All that was left to love”), George Elgar Hicks; oil on canvas; roughly 24 x 30 inches (62 x 75 cm). Link is to zoomable image on Google Art Project; downloadable file on Wikimedia Commons, original is in the Art Gallery of South Australia. Genre painting, which became popular in the 18th…
David Nakayama
David Nakayama is a free lance illustrator, concept artist and illustrator. He is known in particular for his cover art for Marvel Comics, as well as work for DC Comics, Fantasy Flight Games, Upper Deck and others. Nakayama’s comics covers combine the fun, over-the-top energy and sensationalism characteristic of mainstream American comics with firm draftsmanship…
Eye Candy for Today: Emelie Preyer still life
Still Life with Peach, Apricot, Grapes and Hazelnuts on a Tablecloth, Emelie Preyer 19th century German still life painter Emelie Preyer shows her characteristic touch with the textural surface and beautifully balanced color of these simple fruits and nuts. Her composition is thoughtfully conceived, and the value and color relationships lead your eye inexorably around…
Megan Lightell
Megan Lightwell is a contemporary Tennessee based painter working in the tonalist tradition. Her serene, atmospheric landscapes are painted with a restrained palette, compressed values and an emphasis on soft edges. I particularly enjoy her compositions which she projects depth with receding planes of increasingly muted chroma and value. Be conscious of the fact that…
Eye Candy for Today: Hugo Darnaut landscape
Woodland Stream, Hugo Darnaut, oil on panel, roughly 18 x 12 inches (46 x 32 cm); link is to downloadable file on Wikimedia Commons; original is in a private collection; image via Dorotheum auction. Austrian painter Hugo Darnaut (AKA Hugo Fix), who was active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, gives us a…
Eudes Correia
Originally from Brazil, Eudes Correia is a watercolorist based in Lisbon. Correia’s focus is on people, usually outside, walking sitting, riding bikes and other everyday activities. His website galleries are divided into sections for “People” and “Tourists”. His approach is a wonderful balance of solid draftsmanship and loose, free application of color. His backgrounds are…