Lines and Colors art blog

Happy Leyendecker Baby New Year 2021!

JC Leyendeckers Saturday Evening Post New Years Baby cover for 1921
JC Leyendeckers Saturday Evening Post New Years Baby cover for 1921 (details)

As I’ve done every New Year’s Eve for the past 15 years, I’ll wish all Lines and Colors readers a Happy New Year with another of J.C. Leyendecker’s terrific New Year’s Baby covers for the Saturday Evening Post.

Equipped with a pickaxe and shiny lunchpail, our 1921 Leyendecker baby seems ready to get to work in the new year. Let’s hope that’s the case for the rest of us in 2021.

This is the image on the Saturday Evening Post website. There is a larger one here, from this post on Mr. Magazine.

See my 2006 post for background on the origin of the Leyendecker New Years baby covers for the Saturday Evening Post.

No matter what else happens, I wish you all a new year filled with beautiful, inspiring art!


7 responses to “Happy Leyendecker Baby New Year 2021!”

  1. Tim Langenderfer Avatar
    Tim Langenderfer

    Thank you for all of the years of wonderful, insightful, thoughtful posts. I’ve gotten to used to instagram this past year. Instagram serves incredible appetizers but you have been serving complete and satisfying meals. I was glad to see your posts on Instagram that reminded me of your blog. Visiting here more often is one of my healthy New Year’s resolutions!

    1. Thanks, Tim. I try to encourage folks to pull their attention out of social media to indulge in some more extensive info & images when I can. Glad you’re enjoying the “meals”! I’m going to try to update more often this year than I could last year.

  2. A fresh new start on some black lung disease. With luck the pickaxe doesn’t mean he’s going down the mines.

    1. Thanks, tudza. Someone pointed out that this marked the end of a mining strike.

  3. Ryan Compton Avatar
    Ryan Compton

    What will you do when you run out of Leyendecker New Year’s covers?

  4. I wish you a very good year, and I thank you for your work of making this great blog for 15 years. it’s always a joy to come here see all this beautiful artworks.