Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Degas’ Woman on a Sofa

Woman on a Sofa, Edgar Degas, oil with touches of pastel ofer pencil
Woman on a Sofa, Edgar Degas, oil with touches of pastel ofer pencil

Woman on a Sofa, thined oil paint with touches of pastel over graphite, roughly 19 x 17″ (49 x 43 cm). Link is to image on the Metropolitan Museum of Art website, which has both zoomable and downloadable images.

The Met’s page for the piece indicates that it was not a preliminary work for another painting, but a work in itself. Drgas was apparently interested enough in pursuing the original drawing as larger and more complete that he expanded it by adding additional strips of paper to three sides.

I love the contrast between the delicately defined face of the woman and the rough, textural marks with which her form is indicated.

Woman on a Sofa, Met Museum


2 responses to “Eye Candy for Today: Degas’ Woman on a Sofa

  1. What a unusual journey through these works. Thank you

  2. Lovely work!! Charming one