Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Edmund Leighton’s In Time of Peril

In Time of Peril, Edmund Leighton, oil on canvas
In Time of Peril, Edmund Leighton, oil on canvas (details)

In Time of Peril, Edmund Leighton, oil on canvas, roughly 49 x 66 inches ( 124 x 169 cm). Link is to zoomable image on Google Art Project, downloadable version on Wikimedia Commons. Original is in the Aukland Art Gallery.

Edmund Blair Leighton, a British artist active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, was known for his scenes of medieval and turn of the 19th century times. Here, he gives us a medieval scene in which a well to do family seeks refuge at a monastery, while the eldest child appears to see imminent danger close behind them.

I love the tactile feel of Leighton’s rendition of stone, wood, fur, cloth and metal. For some reason, I particularly enjoy the subtle highlight on the tiller.


2 responses to “Eye Candy for Today: Edmund Leighton’s In Time of Peril

  1. Latanya Butler Avatar
    Latanya Butler

    I was wondering why doesn’t the art gallery speak of Rosa Bonheur horse fair painted in ash and hue? And being signed on right bottom corner, with floated Glass, ?? Is what I have authentic or is it a fake? I had a appraisal and two men were beside themselves, and said that it was priceless but I’ve never seen another one like it again, I’ve looked in every art museum I’ve seen nothing that looks like it

    1. Hi Latanya.

      I’m sorry, but I don’t know the answers to your questions. A professional appraisal is the only way I know to establish the authenticity of a work.