Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Jan Bogaerts still life

Still life with a green strainer, Jan Bogaerts still life painting
Still life with a green strainer, Jan Bogaerts still life painting (details)

Still life with a green strainer, Jan Bogaerts

Link is to sold listing on Simonis & Buunk gallery, which has a zoomable version of the image.

Early 20th century Dutch painter Jan Bogaerts has a marvelous touch for portraying the surface textures of his still life objects.

At times his deftly handled light and the tactile quality of his subjects create a contemplative feeling that puts me in mind of the great 18th century French still life and genre painter Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin.

For more, see my previous post on Jan Bogaerts.

Still life with a green strainer, Simonis & Buunk gallery

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Jan Bogaerts