Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Richard Emile Miller’s Afternoon Tea

Afternoon Tea, Richard Emile Miller, oil on canvas
Afternoon Tea (details), Richard Emile Miller, oil on canvas

Afternoon Tea, Richard Emile Miller; oil on canvas; roughly 39 x 32 in (99 x 81 cm).

This 1910 painting by American Impressionist Richard Emile Miller is in Newfields, part of the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The museum has a nicely large image of the painting (4596 x 5636 pixels, over 15mb) that can be both zoomed and downloaded.

You can zoom in even further then my detail caps above and see the artist’s individual brushstrokes, part of his very painterly style.

I particularly enjoy the passages in which he’s used a textural scumble to create broken color.

Afternoon Tea, Newfields


2 responses to “Eye Candy for Today: Richard Emile Miller’s Afternoon Tea

  1. Thanks for this blog!