Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Chardin still life with coper pot

Chardin still life with coper pot, oil on wood

Chardin still life with coper pot, oil on canvas

Ustensiles de cuisine, chaudron, poêlon et oeufs, Jean baptiste Siméon Chardin, oil on wood, roughly 7×15″ (17 x 38 cm), in the collection of the Louvre.

Another of Chadin’s marvelous little still life paintings, that I find elevate the ordinary to the extraordinary.

I love the way Chardin paints copper. The white markings along the left of the pot may be a damaged area of the painting; I dont know. The Louvre’s page doesn’t mention it.

The page lists the translation of the title as: Kitchen utensils, cauldron, frying pan and eggs, with a former title of: Cauldron of tinned red copper, pepper pot, leek, three eggs and frying pan placed on a table.

The “frying pan” (or “skillet” in Google translation) looks odd to me for that description, but perhaps it was specialized for cooking eggs. My knowledge of 18th century cookware is certainly limited. I’m wondering if the apparently hollow handle served to keep it cool enough to pick up.

The other object, not mentioned in the title, may be a pepper grinder.


2 responses to “Eye Candy for Today: Chardin still life with coper pot”

  1. Wayne Y Hoskisson Avatar
    Wayne Y Hoskisson

    Poelon by itself translates to “heavy sauce pan” which makes sense.

    I love Lines and Colors and the variety of art you choose to display.

    1. Thanks, Wayne!