Lines and Colors art blog

Alessandro Tofanelli

Alessandro Tofanelli
Alessandro Tofanelli

Italian painter Alessandro Tofanelli’s haunting landscapes conjure a feeling of stillness and solitude. Whether that’s a positive or negative is, I think, somewhat indeterminate.

He paints in Italy, however — for me — his emphasis on scenes on or at the edge of water feel particularly evocative of the time I spent as a child with my grandfather on the Eastern Shore in Maryland.

The small samples above don’t give an adequate feeling for the way the paintings look when reproduced larger on several of the sites I list below.


3 responses to “Alessandro Tofanelli”

  1. Bill Carman Avatar
    Bill Carman

    Wow, thanks for the introduction Charley. I love discovering new artists whose work is so involved with shape and design.

    1. Thanks, Bill. That’s what I hope to do!

  2. Beautiful and mysterious.
    Thank you for the introduction, Charley