Search results for: “john singer sargent”
Eye Candy for Today: John Singer Sargent landscape
Simplon Pass, John Singer Sargent, oil on canvas, roughly 28 x 37 inches ( 72 x 93 cm), in the collection of the National Gallery of Art, DC, which has both a zoomable and downloadable version of the high resolution image. The more I study John Singer Sargent’s paintings the more I’m knocked out by…
John Singer Sargent: Portraits in Charcoal at the Morgan Library
John Singer Sargent is known for his bravura society portraits in oil, as well as his masterful watercolors. The latter were painted largely for his own pleasure as he traveled. The former, which were his stock in trade, came to weary him late in his career, and at one point he simply stopped doing formal…
John Singer Sargent’s portrait drawings
John Singer Sargent, one of the best portrait painters of the 19th century, eventually tired of his role as a society portrait painter. In his later career he greatly reduced the number of formal portrait commissions he accepted, preferring to travel and pursue his own on location watercolors. However, he continued portraiture in a different…
A few more from John Singer Sargent
Not that I really need a reason other than my usual slack-jawed admiration, but today is John Singer Sargent’s birthday, so here are a few of the hundreds of beautiful presents he left for us.
John Singer Sargent’s Madame X
Ever since portraiture become popular among the newly empowered merchant classes in Europe a few centuries ago, it has been common practice for portrait artists in the early stages of their career to paint non-commissioned portraits as examples of their ability. These are often intended to be striking and memorable, advertising the artist’s capabilities and…
John Singer Sargent on Met Museum website
Today is John Singer Sargent’s birthday. A search for his work on the wonderful, recently redesigned website of the Metropolitan Museum of Art brings up over 600 images. Yes, the iconic and astonishingly accomplished society portraits are well represented, and if you want to focus on those, you can limit your search to show only…