Category: Tools and Techniques
James Gurney’s Color in Practice, Part 1, Black, White, and Complements
Anyone who has read my previous reviews of books and videos by James Gurney will not be surprised that I have high praise for his latest instructional video. Color in Practice, Part 1, Black, White, and Complements is — quite obviously by its title — part of a multi-part tutorial. Whether it is to consist…
A list of art podcast lists
I haven’t listened to enough art podcasts to give many first hand reports, so I offer you a list of lists of art podcasts, many of which give good capsule descriptions of the podcasts. Yes, there is a good bit of overlap between the lists, but you should be able to find something that suits…
James Gurney’s Unconventional Oil Techniques
Unconventional Oil Techniques is the latest in a series of instructional painting videos by artist and author James Gurney. While the majority of his previous videos have dealt with various water based media: gouache, casein and watercolor, after numerous requests, this one is devoted to oil painting. It should be pointed out, though, that this…
Les animaux tels qu’ils sont
Les animaux tels qu’ils sont, which Google translates as “The animals as they are” is a book published in France in 1959 that offers 90 plus examples of how to draw animals using simplified geometric forms. Someone has apparently determined that the book now falls in the public domain, as the pages are available in…
James Gurney’s Living Sketchbook, Volume 3 – Court Report
When I first met author and artist James Gurney some years ago, I had the opportunity to leaf through one of his sketchbooks. Gurney is so accomplished that his sketchbooks often consist of page after page of beautifully realized paintings and sketches, usually in gouache or casein. My immediate thought was that he should publish…
José Naranja
Among followers of “urban sketching”, there is an often associated practice known as “journaling”, or the keeping of a visual diary of one’s travels, day to day activities or random thoughts and ideas. The idea of visual journals or diaries is nothing new, of course, but the current popularity of the practice, and the ability…