Category: Painting a Day
Abbey Ryan (update)
I first wrote about Philadelphia based painter Abbey Ryan back in 2007. She was a early adopter of the “painting-a-day” regimen and the painter/blogger approach to selling directly to individuals and collectors through the internet, bypassing the traditional gallery system. Ryan studied oil painting with David Leffel at the Art Students League in New York,…
Daily Painting, Carol Marine
I’ve been following the “daily painting” phenomenon since 2005, when I wrote about a blog called A Painting a Day by Virginia painter Duane Keiser. Keiser had committed himself to painting one small painting each day and posting it to his blog. I commented at the time that I thought this was a terrific idea,…
Duane Keiser (update)
I first wrote about Virginia painter Duane Keiser back in 2005, when I noticed his blog, a painting a day, on which he was featuring small, postcard size paintings — one a day as he painted them on a makeshift cigar box easel — and placing them for sale on eBay. At the time, this…
Duane Keiser’s Transitory Paintings
It’s not uncommon for artists to paint over, or scrape off and repaint, existing paintings. Oil paintings, in particular, lend themselves to this process, and a number of historical paintings have been shown by art forensics to have been painted over or repainted many times. Normally, the goal is a finished painting that is better…
New improved blog list (well, updated anyway)
In the left hand column of this blog, about halfway down, under the long lists of categories and the longer list of archives, is a list of links under the heading “Relevant Blogs”. This has long been ignored, both unduly so by myself, and perhaps rightly so by those who have clicked on many of…