Category: Sketching
Eye Candy for Today: Gainsborough chalk study
Study of a Lady, Thomas Gainsborough In the Morgan Library and Museum. Image is also available on Google Art Project and Wikimedia Commons. A beautifully economical and gestural chalk drawing by Gainsborough; in white and black chalk on colored, prepared paper.
Howard Brodie
Today is Memorial Day here in the U.S. Though primarily associated with a three-day weekend, barbecues and the unofficial start of summer, it is a day designated to honor those Americans who died while in military service. One way to do this, perhaps, is to develop a better understanding of the experiences of soldiers at…
Parka Blogs’ art tools and gears
I’ve written before about a blog called The Tools Artists Use, which is based on the excellent concept of asking various illustrators and other artists about their primary working tools. The Tools Artists Use blog is taking a break, but the most recent post points out that Teoh Yi Chie of Parka Blogs (which I…
Larry Roibal’s six years of newspaper sketches
For the past six years, illustrator Larry Roibal has been sketching on the pages of his morning newspaper — drawing portraits of politicians, world leaders, entertainers, sports figures and other newsworthy individuals directly on sections of newspaper articles about them, and then publishing the sketches to his blog. Roibal has collected all 1550 of his…
François Guerin
François Guerin is a French UI designer, art director and digital artist who likes to paint and sketch on his mobile devices, using Brushes for iPhone and Procreate for iPad. You can see his work in his Flickr set, a smaller set on Coroflot and prints on society6. [Via @ParkaBlogs]
Janet Hamlin
Janet Hamlin is an illustrator whose clients include Time Warner, Universal Studios, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, IBM, HarperCollins and Associated Press. She is also a courtroom sketch artist. The latter role is one of those fascinating areas in which photography has not replaced drawing as a form of reporting, primarily because cameras…