Month: October 2007
Doug Braithwaite
First, a little bit of Wikipedia-style disambiguation. Since I’m likely to write here about either topic, I’ll point out that this article is about the gallery artist named Doug Braithwaite, as opposed to the comic book artist that some readers might associate the name. Doug Braithwaite is a painter who works primarily en plein air,…
BibliOdyssey (the book)
Ephemera is defined as printed or written material that isn’t intended to be preserved. Magazines and newspapers, for example, are meant to be transitory, disposed of once read (the pile of National Geographics in your grandfather’s attic notwithstanding.) Even many books are meant to be ephemeral; computer instruction manuals, for example, are out of date…
Cosmé (Cosimo) Tura
Active in the mid-15th Century, Cosmé Tura (AKA Cosimo Tura, AKA Cosimo di Domenico di Bonaventura) was an Italian painter of the early Renaissance. Tura was born in Ferrara, in north-central Italy, on the road between Venice and Florence. Though not as commonly mentioned as the other major centers of the Renaissance, Ferrara was home…
Michael Phipps (update)
When I wrote about Utah illustrator Michael Phipps back in February I mentioned that I was hoping to see more of his work. Phipps has just launched a completely revised web site with additional illustrations. His site, which I believe he designed himself, is a rare example of a “clever” concept site that still manages…
Birgit Amadori
Birgit Amadori is an illustrator and designer living in California. She was born near Frankfurt, Gremany and her influences seem to reach from Europe and the Art Nouveau artists to the woodblock artist of Japan, leaving her geographic location as a nice metaphor. Amadori weaves design and figurative elements together, often incorporating richly detailed pattern.…
Christopher Evans
In his latest series of paintings, currently on view at the Fischbach Gallery in New York, contemporary realist Christopher Evans creates broad sweeping vistas of serene landscapes. Rolling hills bask in the California sun under skies dappled with cumulous clouds; dawn cuts across the tops of mountains, opening the curtain on cloud filled valleys; and…