Month: May 2008
Alexis America
As an antidote to yesterday’s scary monsters, I take you this morning to the tranquil beauty of a water garden, alight with the brilliance of water lilly blossoms, in botanical watercolor paintings by Alexis America. America has a series of paintings of water lillies, lotus and related water plants, their bright blooms, colorful stalks and…
Chet Zar
Chet Zar’s site has a subtitle of “Painter of Dark”. In addition to being a good sendup of a certain franchise gallery painter, it’s a pretty concise description of the tone of his work. In his gallery work, Zar paints monsters, gruesome, grotesque and deliberately disconcerting. His eerie “portraits” glare out at you with glazed,…
Daniel Hauben
My wife and I were in New York City on Saturday; and while walking through Columbus Circle we came across Daniel Hauben, his French easel balanced on the edge of a fountain, painting a complex and large scale pieln air painting of a view down Eighth Avenue. Most often, plein air painting is associated with…
Sky Doll (Marvel)
I’ve long been a fan and advocate of European comics, a field in which I think some of the most exciting work in the comics medium is being done. Japanese comics (“manga”) have made significant inroads into the U.S. market, becoming something of an obsession in some circles, but European comics have been slow to…
The Montclair Art Museum
I’ve written before in the course of other posts about the pleasures, and treasures, to be found in small art museums. By small, I mean compared to the large museums we associate with major metropolitan areas. These smaller museums are sometimes in those same cities, but more often are in smaller cities or towns. I…
Will Elder 1921-2008
I was sorry to hear that Will Elder died last Thursday. He was one of the best, and certainly one of the funniest, comic book artists (those of you in the expensive seats read “graphic storytellers”) ever to put pen to paper, and always one of my favorites. For a brief appreciation, see my previous…