Month: April 2006
Dennis Wojtkiewicz
Anyone who has really studied biology and the natural world can tell you that even the simplest of organic objects can be a marvel of biological complexity. If we take the time to stop and examine them, we find that simple organic objects can be visual wonders as well. Dennis Wojtkiewicz makes that brilliantly clear…
Coloring Comics: Steve Hamaker Colors Bone
In yesterday’s post on drawing comics I pointed to some thumbnail to ink sequences Jeff Smith has posted of his working process for Bone. Thanks to some recent posts by Steve Hamaker, who is coloring the new Bone color editions for Scholastic Press, we can follow the process to its next step. Hamaker’s first blog…
Drawing Comics: Jeff Smith’s Bone
Jeff Smith’s Bone was one of the surprise comic delights of the ’90s and has continued to stand as one of the great single-artist comic series, running for over 50 issues from 1991 to 2004. Smith managed to create a style, with influences from Walt Kelly, Carl Barks and other classic comic artists, that is…
Frederic Edwin Church
How about some church on a Sunday? Frederic Edwin Church, that is. Church was the only student of Thomas Cole, who essentially started the Hudson River School of landscape painting, although whatever teaching transpired was probably more about what to paint than how to paint. Cole reportedly said that Church already had “the finest eye…
The Unreal Rockwell
In art, as in philosophy and politics, we’re often presented with the question “What is real?”. For years experts have been mystified by inconsistencies in one of Norman Rockwell’s most widely recognized illustrations for The Saturday Evening Post, a painting known as Breaking Home Ties (above, left… or is it right?). The painting originally appeared…
Frazer Irving
Frazer Irving is a British comics artist who has done work for UK titles like 2000 AD and Judge Death as well as working for American companies like DC Comics, Dark Horse Comics and Wizards of the Coast. He cites his influences as mostly comics and British TV (“…a never ending assault of sci-fi, horror,…