Month: March 2012
Henry Ossawa Tanner
Though American painter Henry Ossawa Tanner, who was active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, is frequently thought of as a realist and as an orientalist — for the Biblically themed works based on his trips to Palestine and other locations in the middle east, I came away from the current superb show…
Michael Cole Manley
Michael Cole Manley is well known as “Mike Manley” in his role as a comic book artist and animation artist and as the editor of Draw! magazine, a how-to magazine popular in the comics art community (see my previous post on Draw!). As a comics artist, he has worked for Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, and…
Bruce Jensen
Presumably starting from sketchbook in which he playfully doodled out freeform alien creatures, Alien Menagerie is a blog in which illustrator Bruce Jensen is, in his words, “painting groovy things from another planet”. Jensen’s wonderfully loopy creatures are usually painted in acrylic on watercolor paper, though at times on post-it notes, and are supplemented in…
NGA Images
Unlike some museum directors who still seem to feel being miserly with images of their public domain artworks is somehow in their interest (perhaps under the assumption that allowing even a few high-res images onto the web will steal the museum’s soul and capture it inside the magic picture making box), savvy museum directors are…
George Boorujy
New York based artist George Boorujy creates striking images of animals, rock formations and other natural and man made objects using ink on paper. His website, and the few interviews I’ve been able to find, don’t include much information about what kinds of inks or other details about his process, but the results are highly…
Picturing Spring: An Equinox Celebration on
In what I hope will become a regular feature, Irene Gallo, art director of Tor, Forge, Starscape and, has reprised the idea behind her post from last December, Picturing Winter, a Solstice Celebration, as Picturing Spring: An Equinox Celebration. The basis of the original post was to ask several illustrators and art directors to…