Lines and Colors art blog

Month: January 2014

  • Garrett Hanna

    Originally from Canada and now living in California, Garrett Hanna is an illustrator working primarily in the gaming industry. Hanna has a wonderfully frenetic, loopy and delightfully over-the-top style that jumps off the page at you. He often works with a bright palette, controlling his compositions with value changes. You can find his work on…

  • The miniature marvels of Simon Bening

    Prior to the mid-16th century, watercolor was primarily used for the painting of miniatures in illuminated books. These hand-painted and inscribed volumes were usually devotional, but sometimes were essentially calendars. Perhaps the greatest and last Flemish master of this form was Simon Bening. He was a member of a family of artists. His father, Alexander…

  • Eye Candy for Today: Manet still life

    Still Life with Melon and Peaches, Edouard Manet A summer table for you on Manet’s birthday. Manet is noted as a figurative painter, and his still life subjects, I think, often get less attention than they deserve. Original is in the National Gallery of Art, D.C. There is a good sized image on Wikipedia.

  • Orlando Arocena

    Illustrator and character designer Orlando Arocena is from New York, where he studied at the Pratt Institute. Arocena works primarily in vector art, creating his striking illustrations in Adobe Illustrator with a Wacom tablet. His Behance portfolio features lots of process step-throughs, showing the paths in both line and fill mode. You can also find…

  • David Dunlop

    David Dunlop is a painter and lecturer based in Connecticut. He is the author and host of the PBS series Landscapes Through Time, which wrote about earlier today here on Lines and Colors. I came across his work from that program when I first saw it a few years ago. In the course of the…

  • Landscapes Through Time with David Dunlop

    Landscapes Through Time is a 13-part PBS series, produced several years ago, in which landscape painter David Dunlop goes on location to places were several notable landscape painters, mostly from the late 19th century, painted. Each episode is devoted primarily to an individual painter. In the half-hour episodes he talks about the painters, their methods,…