Month: February 2024
Eye Candy for Today: Carl Larsson’s Karin by the Shore
Karin by the Shore, Carl Larsson; watercolor, 29 x 21″ (75 x 54 cm). Link is to para on Wikipedia which links to high-res image file. There is also a zoomable version on Google Art Project. Original is in the Malmö Art Museum. Another of Swedish artist Carl Larsson’s delightful scenes of domestic life. In…
Ryan Church (update 2024)
Ryan Church is a concept artist, illustrator and art director whose film credits have to be among the most impressive in the industry. I first wrote about him in the rearly months of Lines and Colors, back in 2005, and again in 2006. Since then, he has continued ot add to his long list of…
Eye Candy for Today: Van Gogh Wheat Field ink drawing
Wheat Field, Vincent van Gogh; Reed pen and logwood ink over pencil; roughly 9 x 12 inches ( 24 x 31 cm); in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which has both a zoomable and downloadable image on their site. I love these pen and brown ink drawings Van Gogh did late in…
Gezien van de Riet
Gezien van de Riet is a contemporary Dutch painter who works in a naturalistic manner. Though she also paints portraits and various landscape subjects, she seems particularly entranced by the beauty of trees, which she often paints close up and in a compositional manner that effectively treats the subjects as portraits. In these, I find…
Eye Candy for Today: Carl Larsson domestic interior
When the Children have Gone to Bed, Carl Larsson, ink and watercolor, roughly 12 x 17 inches (32 x 43 cm). Link is to image page on Wikimedia Commons. Original is in the NatinalMuseum, Stockholm. Another of Carl Larsson’s wonderful ink and watercolor domestic scenes. This was part of a series called “A Home”, based…