Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Carl Larsson domestic interior

When the Children have Gone to Bed, Carl Larsson, watercolor
When the Children have Gone to Bed, Carl Larsson, watercolor

When the Children have Gone to Bed, Carl Larsson, ink and watercolor, roughly 12 x 17 inches (32 x 43 cm). Link is to image page on Wikimedia Commons. Original is in the NatinalMuseum, Stockholm.

Another of Carl Larsson’s wonderful ink and watercolor domestic scenes. This was part of a series called “A Home”, based on his own home and family.

I particularly like Larsson’s treatment of the lamp and its effects in the directional shadows of objects against the wall and the value statement of the faces.


One response to “Eye Candy for Today: Carl Larsson domestic interior”

  1. Beautiful interior decorations indeed!