Month: May 2007
How Not to Display Your Artwork on the Web
In the thirteen years I’ve been on the web, twelve of which I’ve spent doing professional web site design, and the last two of which have sent me to hundreds of artists’ web sites, I’ve come to the inevitable conclusion that the thing artists want most when placing their art on the web is for…
Shawn Barber
I’ve featured tattoo artists on lines and colors (like Regino Gonzales), but I found it particularly fascinating that gallery artist and illustrator Shawn Barber has painted a series of portraits of individuals with tattoos, with a particular interest and emphasis on the tattoos. Often, in fact, he will focus on just hands or other body…
Fern Isabel Coppedge
Now that summer has unofficially arrived, let’s look back as the quiet beauty of winter in the paintings of Fern Isabel Coppedge. Coppedge was one of the group of painters centered around New Hope, a small town on the Delaware River in Easter Pennsylvania, around the turn of the 20th Century. These painters are collectively…
They Drew Fire: Combat Artists of World War II
For those lines and colors readers who are outside the U.S., I’ll explain that today is Memorial Day, a national holiday associated with the start of Summer, picnics, bar-b-ques and mini-vacations. More importantly, though, it is a holiday designated as a remembrance of those who have died in military service; though moving the observance from…
Despite the fact that mainstream American audiences associate anime (Japanese animation) with giant robots bashing each other about while they tramp hip deep in skyscrapers, Japanese directors have long been willing to tackle sophisticated subjects that producers of American full-length animated features would never even consider. American studios are still under the impression (perhaps unfortunately…