Lines and Colors art blog

Month: November 2009

  • Wojtek Siudmak

    Wojtek Siudmak is contemporary Polish born artist who studied at the College of Plastic Arts and Adacemy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, and the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He now resides in France. Siudmak is a leading proponent of fantastic realism (sometimes called “magic realism”), a branch of fantastic art with one foot in…

  • Marie-Denise Villers (update)

    A question from a reader prompted me to revisit my 2006 post on Marie-Denise Villers, a talented but little known French portrait painter whose “one-hit-wonder” claim to fame was that her painting, now called Young Woman Drawing (detail, above), was for some time attributed to Neo-classical master Jaques-Louis David (also here). The painting, which I…

  • Brian Despain (update)

    Brian Despain’s world-weary and weather-beaten robots may be the “every robot” in all of us. At times active and engaged, at other times forlorn and seemingly lost, his dented and roughly textured copper-skinned automatons carry a darkly humorous portrayal of our own place amid the natural world. I first wrote about Brian Despain back in…

  • Sotheby’s

    If, like me, you find yourself frequently frustrated with the relatively low resolution images provided by many museums and fine art sites; and tire of the frustrating little zoom windows that they provide for a “close up”, I have a suggestion for a site that you may not have considered. This site has nice large…

  • Magic Highway, USA

    I’m fond of retro-futurism, the appreciation of past visions of the future; often the “future” in which we are currently living. I’m particularly delighted with future visions rendered out in that wonderful ’50s & ’60s modern cartoon style that seems to be having a bit of a revival these days. Disney’s Magic Highway, USA is…

  • Milton Glaser Draws and Lectures

    Milton Glaser is one of the most influential graphic designers of the last 50 years. Even if you haven’t heard his name, you’ve probably seen his work, from his iconic Dylan poster to his “I (heart) NY” design (yes, that one). Glaser has had a significant impact on design and illustration. He has new book…