Lines and Colors art blog

Month: February 2009

  • Alphonse Mucha (Alfons Mucha) (update)

    In my previous post about Czech artist Alphonse Mucha (Alfons Mucha), I pointed out that I think his place in art history has been drastically undervalued. Partly because we think of his work, and the Art Noveau movement with which he was inextricably linked, as “decorative”, “pretty” and basically lightweight, his influence and achievements, and…

  • Maira Kalman

    Maira Kalman is an American illustrator, designer and author, well known for her New Yorker covers and children’s book illustrations. She was also a principal in the M&Co. design company, has done set design, fabric and product design, editorial illustration and a set of illustrations for a 2005 edition of the iconic guide to writing…

  • Reconstructing Martha Washington

    It’s President’s Day here in the U.S., and though it’s nice to contemplate the changes that will hopefully come from the presence of a new and very different president, the holiday is dedicated to past presidents, most specifically the first U.S. president, George Washington, whose birthday the holiday marks and was originally named for. Our…

  • Yoshihiro Inomoto

    The twelve year old kid that lives somewhere at the base of my brain, happily soaking up cool stuff like robots, spaceships and dinosaurs, has an undying fascination with cutaway images. These are the drawings and paintings that show the gleaming inner workings of something, usually a delightfully complex piece of sophisticated machinery like a…

  • Edmond Aman-Jean

    Edmond Aman-Jean was a French Symbolist painter who was friends with Georges Seurat, the famed neo-impressionist (pointillist) painter, and shared a studio with him for a number of years. Aman-Jean and Seurat both studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris with Henri Lehmann, an academic painter whose traditions they both eventually moved away from.…

  • Allpaintings Art Portal

    One of the best things about the internet is its exponential rate of growth. If there’s something you can’t find today, wait a few years (or months, or days) and it just may pop up. “All things”, to paraphrase the zen-like passage from the Bible, “come to he who waits.” When I started writing Lines…