Lines and Colors art blog

Month: August 2007

  • Rian Hughes

    Rian Hughes is a British comics artist, illustrator, graphic designer and type designer. As a comics artist he became known for his work on Dare,, an updated version of Dan Dare, written by Grant Morrison and serialized in Revolver; as well as Robo-Hunter and number of other features for 2000AD and other titles. At a…

  • Carbonmatter (Dan Wheaton)

    Carbonmatter is the web site name and professional nickname of matte painter and concept artist Dan Wheaton. Wheaton has worked as an illustrator, designer and creative director for a variety of companies in print and interactive design, but the real focus of his career has been on his love for movies and gaming, particularly those…

  • Howtoons

    I’ve long been fascinated with the idea of comics and cartoons as a medium for instruction or teaching. Here’s an interesting take on that idea. Howtoons is a series of how-to projects for kids (or adults going through a second childhood) presented as comic strips or cartoon-like panels. In them we’re introduced to Tucker and…

  • Flesk Publications (update)

    Flesk Publications is a small publisher specializing in art books, and particularly in titles that would be of interest to many lines and colors readers. I first wrote about Flesk two years ago as one of my first posts for lines and colors. At the time the focus of Flesk’s publishing efforts was on two…

  • Designing your web site

    How to Display Your Art on the Web: Part 5 [This is part of a series of articles for which the introduction and list of articles is here. If you haven’t read the introduction yet, it would be helpful to read it first.] OK, big news flash here, in case you weren’t aware of it,…

  • Armel Gaulme

    Armel Gaulme is a French illustrator and graphic designer living in Paris. The bio on his site is very brief, but emphasizes that his love for painting and illustration, and the study of artists whose work he admires, has carried him farther than his formal academic training, though he continues to pursue courses at the…