Linda Bergkvist’s fantasy images lean toward dark gothic-fairytale subject matter. Elaborately dressed elves and fairies inhabit her misty forests. She works digitally and her images are beautifully rendered in Painter and Photoshop. In addition to her finished pieces there are tutorials on the site, as well as sketches and short comics.
Her work is featured in the Exposé series of digital art showcase books from Ballistic Publishing. She is also a co-author of D’Artiste: Digital Painting from Ballistic. Here is an article about her on the Ballistic site. You can also find more of her work on the CGSociety site, mostly in the 2D forums. There is also a Linda Bergkvist gellery on the site.
The site contains images suggestive of violence, sexuality and blurred gender lines. Avoid it if you’re likely to be offended.