Lines and Colors art blog

Happy Leyendecker Baby New Year 2014!

Happy Leyendecker Baby New Year 2014!, J.C. Leyendecker
As I’ve done every year since 2006, I’ll wish all Lines and Colors readers a Happy New Year with more New Years babies from the cover of the Saturday Evening Post, by the great American illustrator, J.C. Leyendecker.

Lots of great art in the year to come!


8 responses to “Happy Leyendecker Baby New Year 2014!”

  1. Happy New Year to you as well Charley. You sir, have done a splendid job of bringing forth much beautiful, thoughtful, excellent and awesome all around wonderful artworks and artist from round the globe and through years gone bye. I am writing in total gratitude for your work here. I don’t (I suppose) have the time I’d like to seek out all wonderful artworks on the web etc. and you make it easy for someone like me to, every other day or so, be introduced or otherwise educated on/about a specific artist or specific work…as well as your keeping us up to date on many east coast museum events and shows. I thank you for consistently bringing into my day a sight or some thought of great art and keeping me inspired to go on with my own work. I Every so often I decide to just be frustrated and move on to some other pursuit in life and those are the times when I find myself visiting Lines&Colors and dissuaded as such to keep trudging along.

    I am so glad I found your site and pass the address along often to friends and family. I am, once again, extremely grateful for your work.

    Be well and carry on my fellow art lover!

    Sincerely, Mark.

    1. Thanks, Mark. Always glad when I can provide some inspirational art and links to brighten up someone’s day.

      1. Thanks for the comments and participation, Bill — also appreciated. (And keep the great work coming!)

  2. Happy New Year Charley and thanks again for your hard work. It really is appreciated.

  3. lorette Avatar

    Bonne année et bonne santé!

    1. Merci, lorette! I wish you a good year and good health as well.

  4. etrigan Avatar

    Happy New Year Charley. Long time reader here just want to say a huge thank you for your work curating our daily delight. Your blog is a national treasure for art lovers and I hope it continues for many years to come.

  5. Hi Charley….
    I am just amazed with the beauty of the art posted in your blog. Your taste is a talent…. It’s incredible how much beautiful thinks the human have made…. Your blog is an alternative story of art! Now I will sleep, but I keep with the idea of copying some of the art you put on the pictures, for learning. Thanks a lot, again, again!!! Happy 2014, please post more artworks!