Eye Candy for Today: Carlo Crivelli’s Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene, Carlo Crivelli, Tempera on panel, 60 x 19 inches (152 x 49 cm), in the collection of the Rijksmuseum, 1480
Mary Magdalene, Carlo Crivelli

Tempera on panel, 60 x 19 inches (152 x 49 cm), in the collection of the Rijksmuseum.

This beautifully realized late Gothic work (painted in 1480) is as much decorative object as it is representational image.

I love how stylized it is, from the intricately rendered strands of hair to the expressive, heavy-lidded eyes, to the hands for which gesture and expression outweigh any concern for realistic proportions.

7 Replies to “Eye Candy for Today: Carlo Crivelli’s Mary Magdalene”

  1. I just want to thank you for your blog. I am a regular reader and appreciate the time and energy you put into it. I always learn something new and come away refreshed and energized.

  2. Eewww! In the Dutch and Italian wikipedia it appears (the only reference to him) that Crivelli was a criminal. He abducted and raped the wife of Francesco Cortese. After his conviction he never returned to Venice.
    But he is an artist in his time.

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