In a painting blog variation that combines her interest in both beer and painting, Cat Scott has chosen as her subject a variety of beer bottles. Their different shapes, colors and label designs give a seemingly limited subject more diversity than one might think.
She also employs a variety of media in the works she post on her aptly named blog, 99 Paintings of Beer on the Wall, from pen and gouache or pen and highlighter on bristol or in sketchbooks to acrylic and oil on canvas.
Scott is a graphic designer full time and paints when she can, and maintains another, more general, sketchblog, as well as an illustration portfolio (images above, bottom row). She is also a participant in the Girls Who Draw group sketchblog.
Her portfolio site includes portfolios for illustration and design, as well as a sketchbook section. There is also a profile with some additional images on Imagekind.
Though most of her “99 paintings of Beer on the Wall” are sold or not for sale at the moment, in addition to offering prints, she does apparently put many of them up for sale; in case you’re inclined to take one down, and perhaps, pass it around.