Lines and Colors art blog

RK Post
Randy “RK” Post is an illustrator who has a fascination with monsters and a penchant for the gruesome and grotesque, an inclination that serves him well in his role creating fantasy and gaming illustrations for clients like TSR, Wizards of the Coast, LucasFilm, 20th Century Fox, Sega, and others. He also counts comics companies like Marvel, DC and Dark Horse among his clients.

Post’s richly detailed and vividly imagined monsters are joined by warriors, priestesses, wizards, and demonic figures of all shapes and sizes. His intricate renderings of characters and their accoutrements, along with his wildly bizarre monsters, are often set against spare, but highly textured backgrounds, giving a nice counterbalance while still serving up lots of fantasy eye candy.

Post also plays with his color palette, contrasting deep, color filled darks with intense color areas, and arraying them across detailed costume and creature designs.

There is a book of Post’s work called Postmortem: The Art of RK Post.

The Art of RK Post (Daydream Grahics)

MySpace (click on slideshow for pop-up gallery)

Unofficial site (I think)

Wikipedia bio