Lines and Colors art blog

Different Strokes From Different Folks Year End Portrait Swap

Different Strokes From Different Folks Year End Portrait Swap: Sharon Margolies, Paula Cravens, John Wolff, Akiko Watanabe, Dana Copper, Steve Prenner, Karin Jurick, Karen Hollingsworth, Amanda Carder
I’ve written before about Karin Jurick, both about her own wonderful paintings and her ongoing group painting blog, Different Strokes From Different Folks in which numerous artists paint their own interpretation of the same photographic resource in periodic challenges.

I also wrote last year about the Different Strokes From Different Folks Portrait Swap, in which participating artists supplied photographs of themselves and were in turn supplied with the photograph of another participating artist; each artist painting the portrait of another.

Jurick has decided to repeat the challenge again this year, (in what may become a tradition), with a Different Strokes From Different Folks Year End Portrait Swap.

This time there are 180 participating artists. The photographs have all been assigned, but the artists still have until December 31st to submit their finished portrait.

A good number of them are already posted on the Different Strokes blog, however, and it’s a fascinating mix of painting styles and approaches. The images usually have a somewhat larger version linked to them, as well as a link on the artist’s name to their own site of blog.

The participants include Adebanji Alade, who I recently profiled and Karen Hollingsworth, who I profiled in 2006.

Jurick has also posted a pair of videos on YouTube, here and here, in which some of the portrait paintings are shown with the source photograph.

(Images above, artist credit, row 1: Sharon Margolies, Paula Cravens, John Wolff, row 2: Akiko Watanabe, Dana Copper, Steve Prenner, row 3: Karin Jurick, Karen Hollingsworth, Amanda Carder)


9 responses to “Different Strokes From Different Folks Year End Portrait Swap”

  1. I’m more and more impressed with the paintings I’m seeing done on this site. It’s a testament to the value of Karin’s commitment and support as well as the work of all the involved artists

  2. This is the first time I’ve participated with DSFDF and it was way more fun than I could have imagined. My portrait partner & I are trading our paintings, I feel I’ve made some new friends and I can’t wait to participate again. Thanks Karin for all you do.
    Vicki Brevell

  3. Hi, Your work is really amazing and i truly appreciate it. Thanks for sharing the article.

  4. Dam i wish i can draw like this …

  5. The paintings on this site are wonderful!

  6. Wonderful paintings. I have only participated twice and each time sold the painting. Should do this next year. Too much going on for me right now. It looked like a lot of fun.

  7. Thanks for highlighting ‘Different Strokes for Different Folks’. As a participant I can say that the excitement of finding out what you will look like is fun too and add’s to the year end challenge of portrait swap. Which I hope will become a tradition. Blessings of wonder for 2010 to you and your family.

  8. Thank you for highlighting this years dsfdf portrait swap. I have participated in a few of Karin Jurick’s other challenges but this was the first portrait challenge for me. I hope to make it a yearly event.

  9. Hey, thanks for showing my painting on your blog. I have been in Jurick’s portrait painting swap for two years now and it is great fun. It’s wonderful to see who all takes part and what they create.