Lines and Colors art blog

Jonatan Cantero

Jonatan Cantero
I don’t know much about Jonatan Cantero; his blog doesn’t have much in the way of biographical information. He is a young illustrator living in Barcelona, Spain, and is apparently working toward a career in comics, though not yet published in the field.

His blog and deviantART page have some examples of his work, many of them featuring his small bean-like characters involved in things like harvesting strawberry pulp by mining operation or gathering pollen in buckets while incurring the displeasure of bees.

I was really taken with this piece, particularly when viewed large (large version here), and hope to see more from Cantero as he progresses.

[Via Monster Brains]


2 responses to “Jonatan Cantero”

  1. I think my blood started circulating a little faster when I saw this –great piece. There’s so much urgency in it, I oughta put it up somewhere next to my bed to prompt my bum into gear in the morning. 😉

  2. Hi!! Thanks for featuring my work!! And Aiche: Good reaction xDD