Lines and Colors art blog

Al Williamson 1931-2010

Al Williamson
I’m sorry to report that Al Williamson, one of the greats of 20th Century comics art and a personal favorite of mine, died on Sunday at the age of 79.

For more see my posts on Al Williamson and Al Williamson’s Flash Gordon: A Lifelong Vision of the Heroic.

[Via io9 and CBR]


6 responses to “Al Williamson 1931-2010”

  1. I’m very very sad to hear this. I still remember my first comics-drawing book, and remember his art as one of the most influential – his beautiful art always captured my attention.

  2. Flash Gordon… I saw this strip as a kid. Loved it then in a big way. It was – well – FLASH! I’m sorry to hear he’s no longer with us.

  3. Learn more about legendary comics artist Al Williamson in this Mr. Media interview with his friend and artist Mark Schultz, in which he discusses the book Al Williamson’s Flash Gordon: A Lifelong Vision of the Heroic.

  4. Sucks. His shading was some of the best.

  5. I just heard this news today. Too bad, he was an original and a class act. That pen and ink work was unmistakable and always a pleasure, dynamic but disciplined. The original beatnik comic artist from what I’ve heard!